An haptic belt: the TactiBelt

For the ACCESSPACE project, we plan to use a belt equipped with a set of vibrators to convey information about environment. The actual model propose to use 48 vibrators distributed on three lines around the belt.

We developed a PC-Tactibelt interface based on an Arduino Mega, and a custom shield to power vibrators with an external battery. The interface allows to control vibrators individually, and applying specific pulses.

For preliminary tests, we placed a line of 16 vibrators on the belt, and developed a 2D simulated environment based on the environment used during for my PhD. Continuous vibrations indicate the presence of obstacles. Vibrations becomes stronger when moving closer to walls. A pulsed vibration indicates the direction of the target to reach (mauve disc). Several vibration patterns are used to indicate navigation points, landmarks or empty directions.

Tactibelt Test environment
The 48 vibration motors of the belt. DVI connectors make it possible to easily connect and disconnect the belt and the Arduino module.

Tactibelt inside Tactibelt complete