This section lists my research work in the Co4Sys team at the LCIS laboratory. This work mainly consists of implementing and studying the developmental learning and bio-inspired navigation models developed respectively at LIRIS and LITIS laboratories during my thesis and postdoc.
Projects assocated to my research work:
- project IDEMAS (Implementing DEvelopmental in Multi-Agent Systems)
This project consists in studying developmental learning mechanisms in contexts where the agent must interact with other agents. These models aim to study how a developmental agent can learn to recognize other agents, predict their movements and thus enable the emergence of collaborative or competitive behaviors.
- project BioNIMAS (Bio-inspired Navigation In Multi-Agent Systems)
The aim of this project is to study the distribution of bio-inspired exploration and navigation models on groups of robots. The aim is, on one hand, to distribute computing and memory requirements over a group of robots or drones, and on the other, to enable collective exploration of an unknown environment.
Key steps related to bio-inspired navigation. This work aims at studing bio-inspired navigation models in greater depth..
- Implementation of localization models in real world environment.
key steps related to bio-inspired navigation in a multi-agent context. This work aims to study mechanisms for environment model distribution and collaborative exploration in agent groups.