BRIMS 2012 une section qui liste mes travaux, mes idées, mes projets, bref, le déroulement de ma thèse...

- Mes encadrants :

Alain Mille Alain Mille

Professeur en Informatique

Olivier Georgeon Olivier Georgeon

membre de l'équipe SILEX du laboratoire LIRIS

- The IDEAL project (Implementation of DEvelopmentAl Learning)

This project consists of developping and stydying developmental learning mechanisms on virtual artificial agent, and recently, on robots. We called our agent "Ernest". The different steps of its development are visible on the Ernest project blog.

Key steps of my PhD (2011-2014):

Preliminary work

- A new continuous environement

- Algorithms for a space memory.

- A simplified space memory.

- Implementation of our mechanism on robots.

A Peri-Personal Space Memory

- Spatio-sequential Memory.

- Vestibular Hypothesis.

An Extra-Personal space Memory

- Hard-coded space memory: development of exploitation mechanisms.

- Detection of distant affordances.

- Construction of a surrounding space memory.

My ATER years (2014-2016): These two years as an ATER gave me the opportunity to continue my research work

- Adaptation to a dynamic environment.

- Mechanisms for affordance construction.

- Adaptation of RI model for continual interaction cycle process

- Ressources :

- My phd thesis: Thesis_SG.pdf

- defense material (libreoffice impress):

Source code of Ernest :

- Sources of different versions:
   - Versions 2.* : peri-personnal memory :
   - Versions 7.* : extra-personnal memory :
   - Versions 9.* : dynamic environment :
   - Versions 10.* : affordances construction :
   - Versions 11.* : continual interaction process : to be published

- User manual (fr): Ernest_documentation.pdf

- Memory files obtained during experimentations:
   - Versions 2.* :
   - Versions 7.* :
   - Versions 9.* :
   - Versions 10.* :

- Some videos of several experimentations: