BRIMS 2012 Voici la liste de mes publications.

LCIS (2020-)

- "An affordance-based intersubjectivity mechanism to infer the behaviour of other agents", Gay S.L., Suro F., Georgeon O.L., Jamont J.-P., ICDL 2023.

- "A bio-Inspired Model for Robust Navigation Assistive Devices: a Proof of Concept", Gay S.L., Pissaloux E., Jamont J.-P., IHAW 2022.

- "Identifying and Localizing Dynamic Affordances to Improve Interactions with Other Agents", Gay S.L., Jamont J.-P., Georgeon O.L., ICDL 2022.

- "Towards predictive and decentralized bio-inspired navigation models for distributed systems", Gay S.L., Truong N.-G., Pissaloux E., Jamont J.-P., SSCI 2021.

PostDoc (LITIS, 2017-2020)

- "Towards a Predictive Bio-Inspired Navigation Model", Gay S.L., Le Run K., Pissaloux E., Romeo K., information MDPI 2021.

- "F2T: A Novel Force-Feedback Haptic Architecture Delivering 2D Data to Visually Impaired People", Gay S.L., Pissaloux E., Romeo K., Truong N.-G., IEEE Access 2021.

- "Using Force-Feedback Haptic Effects to Develop Serious and Entertainment Games Accessible for Visually Impaired People", Gay S.L., Truong N.-G., Romeo K., Pissaloux E., IHAW 2021.

- "Exploring Maps with Touch: an Inclusive Haptic Device", Romeo K., Gay S.L., Riviere M.-A., Pissaloux E., ICCHP 2020.

- "NAV-VIR: An Audio-Tactile Virtual Environment to Assist Visually Impaired People", Riviere M.-A., Gay S.L., Romeo K. , Pissaloux E. Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumillo P., dans 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), pages 1038-1041, 2019

- "Vers une aide à la mobilité basée sur la connaissance de l’espace pour les personnes ayant une déficience visuelle", Romeo K., Toussain I., Rivière M.-A., Gay S., Velasquèz R., Pissaloux E., Chottin M., Ancet P., HANDICAP 2018, pp 73-79.

- "Towards Haptic Surface Devices with Force Feedback for Visually Impaired People", Gay S.L., Riviere M.-A., Pissaloux E., dans 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 2018

- "TactiBelt: integrating spatial cognition and mobility theories into the design of a novel orientation and mobility assistive device for the blind", Riviere M.-A., Gay S.L., Pissaloux E., dans 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, pages 110-113, 2018

ATER (LIRIS, 2014-2016)

- "Autonomous object modeling and exploiting: a new approach based on affordances from continual interaction with environment", Gay S.L., Mille A., Cordier A., dans International joint conference on development and learning and on epigenetic robotics, Lisbonne, 2017

- "Autonomous construction and exploitation of a spatial memory by a self-motivated agent", Gay S.L., Mille A., Georgeon O.L., and Dutech, A., journal Cognitive System Research, Volume 41, March 2017, Pages 1–35

- "Autonomous affordance construction without planning for environment-agnostic agents", Gay S.L., Mille A., Cordier A., dans International joint conference on development and learning and on epigenetic robotics, Cergy-Pontoise, 2016

- "Agents artificiels sans accès ontologique à la réalité : vers une intégration des théories incarnées, constructivistes, énactivistes, et de la philosophie de l'esprit", Georgeon O.L., Mille A. and Gay S.L., Intellectica, Vol. 65, 2016.

- "Autonomous object modeling based on affordances in a dynamic environment", Gay S.L. and Hassas S., presenté à la conférence BICA 2015

Thèse (LIRIS, 2011-2014)

- "Autonomous object modeling based on affordances for spatial organization of behavior", Gay, S.L., Georgeon O.L., and Wolf C., dans International joint conference on development and learning and on epigenetic robotics, Genoa. pp. 94-99. 2014.

- "Interaction­-Based Space Representation for Environment­-Agnostic Agents", Gay S.L., Georgeon O.L., presenté à ALA 2013, workshop de la conférence AAMAS

- "An Enactive Approach to Autonomous Agent and Robot Learning", Georgeon O.L., Wolf C., and Gay S.L., Dans IEEE Joint International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2013

- "Interactional Motivation in Artificial Systems: Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation", Georgeon O.L., Marshall L.B. and Gay S.L., Dans International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2012

- "Implementing Spatial Awareness in an Environment-Agnostic Agent", Gay S.L., Georgeon O.L., and Kim J.W., presenté à la conférence BRIMS 2012